Final Phase Acid Rinse
Final Phase acid rinse is a low residue, ultra concentrated acid rinse agent. Can be used in tank as a rinse agent or as an after clean spray.
Stabilises non colourfast fabrics, carpets, rugs and helps prevent browning or yellowing problems. Leaves the carpet neutralised at the correct pH following rinsing with alkaline pre-sprays & removes detergent residues.
Contains corrosion inhibitors which help stop build up of limescale in machine pumps and pipes.
Always pre-test in an inconspicuous area prior to commencing in each and every case.
Directions for use:
Portable machine:
- As a rinse agent in your clean tank, add 7ml per litre (1:150).
- Dilute 1 litre into 20 litres of water to make a metering concentrate. Set meter at 2-4 GPH.
As a browning treatment:
- Treat the area concerned at a dilution of 20ml of Final Phase per litre of water (1:50). Brush the solution in.
- Allow a 45 minutes contact time.
- Rinse using your extraction machine with Final Phase added to the clean water tank at a dilution of 7ml per litre of water (1:150).
As a dye fix:
- Use as a pre-treatment prior to cleaning, dilute 7ml per litre. (1:150).
As an after spray:
- Dilute 7ml per litre. (1:150).